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Ratings and Reviews of Stainless Steel Filter System

Score: 4.50 (votes: 14)
Reviews: 14
Score: 4.50 (votes: 14)
Reviews: 14
Rating of votes (14)
Customer reviews
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  • Roscoe P.
    Mar 20, 2012, 12:00 AM
    good fix!!!. After reading others reviews, it looks like Brewhaus has fixed the issues! The funnel shape leaves nothing left that needs to be manually "scraped" I am nothing but pleased with everything I have purchased from Brewhaus
  • Thom
    Aug 23, 2010, 12:00 AM
    Comments. the problems with this is the flat bottom of the funnel has a ridge from welding tha leaves carbon and alcohol behind and it is very heavy, so stand would be nice. Any suggestions on filter paper placement?
  • Howard
    Mar 11, 2010, 12:00 AM
    I like it. Once you get the technique down it works great. I ran 7 gallons through it in one continuos cycle and I got a great filter job on it. I don't like the filter papers that came with it so I cut up some Mr. Coffee filters and use 3 of those, works great.
  • Ike
    Jan 27, 2010, 12:00 AM
    Lot of bang for the buck. This filter system is very high quality. The price is close to what the raw materials would cost to make it yourself. It certainly will last a lifetime. The only issues I have with this item is that it doesn't come with a lid to prevent evaporation. Also, the exit of the reservoir is higher than the outside edges. This means that you'll have about 1/2 cup of distillate left behind that will have to be raked towards the middle in order to get it all out. I tried to knock it to where it caves outward instead of inward with no luck. If these two issues were addressed it would be the perfect system for a small time distiller.