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Ratings and Reviews of Ultimate SiphonTM

Score: 3.86 (votes: 14)
Reviews: 14
Score: 3.86 (votes: 14)
Reviews: 14
Rating of votes (14)
Customer reviews
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  • just me
    May 12, 2008, 12:00 AM
    ultimate siphon. I've found the best way to start a siphon is to use a common plastic turkey baster. It's plastic, so you can sanitize it and they are extremely cheap. I just push the bulb in all the way to get all of the air out, stick the end of the turkey baster into my tubing, and let the bulb go. It has always worked very well, for me. The vacuum created pulls the wort/wine/mead out quickly and once it starts just disconnect and let 'er rip. Nothing to it. this siphon is great. it will drain 5 gallons in 5-6 minutes. it is a good idea to practise a few times before trying to rack your first wort. hope this was useful.
  • na
    May 12, 2008, 12:00 AM
    could not get it working. could not get this thing wroking. tried the baster thingy, still no result...
  • Carolina Shining
    Jan 21, 2007, 12:00 AM
    EXCELLENT siphon!!!. this siphon is the best i've seen. it is nearly indestructable (made of SS) and comes with a large enough diamteter hose to siphon 25 L in just a couple minutes. HIGHLY recommend this siphon for any siphoning uses!
  • na
    Jan 21, 2007, 12:00 AM
    siphon. i have not been able to get a flow from this siphon unless using a pump. when hooking to a pump the line colapes.
    Brewhaus America Inc.
    Aug 31, 2024, 08:43 PM
    Due to the large size of this siphon, it is easiest to start by priming (ie. filling the siphon with water). With the siphon full, place the stainless steel racking cane into the liquid to be transferred, lower the siphon hose to the receiving container, and release. The siphon will start automatically.