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Ratings and Reviews of Prestige Turbo Pure 48 Turbo Yeast

Score: 4.85 (votes: 34)
Reviews: 34
Score: 4.85 (votes: 34)
Reviews: 34
Rating of votes (34)
Customer reviews
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  • Dwelch
    Aug 22, 2018, 12:00 AM
    Turbo yeaet. This is the only one that can break the 15% barrier
  • Big Bill
    Apr 16, 2018, 12:00 AM
    48 hr turbo yeast. Been using this yeast for many years with consistent results. Have tried other cheaper brands with bad results. I believe in this case you get what you pay for, I'll continue to use this product.
  • Anonymous reviewer
    Feb 11, 2018, 12:00 AM
    Turbo 48. Good reliable yeist that produces consistent quality.
  • Dennis
    Aug 24, 2017, 12:00 AM
    Turbo Pure. I Have used this in the past and it is very simple and fast, makes an excellent product.
  • ryan
    Aug 1, 2015, 12:00 AM
    Love turbo 48. Just got done running a 55 gallon battle of mash I rerolled I put 20 pounds of sugar in it Monday 20 Tuesdays and 30 in it Wednesday it was don't by Friday at 20% avb and I only use 3 packs of turbo 48 I ran my still 3" brewhaus column and 40 gallon ss battle that's my still set up I got 1 gallon at 190 #2 was 188 #3 180 #4 170 #5 160 #6 was tailings got a gallon and half to throwback in my next batch the yeast is the best I have found don't waste your money on the other stuff turbo 48 is awesome I won't make mash with out it
  • Chirodrdl
    Jun 30, 2014, 12:00 AM
    Buy This or Your Crazy. Best stuff out there. Try it you will love it!
  • Tom
    Dec 11, 2012, 12:00 AM
    Outstanding. My third sachet of Turbo Pure 48 is bubbling in my pantry as we speak. This stuff has never let me down. For a thin wash this yeast can't be beat.
  • Patrick
    Dec 8, 2012, 12:00 AM
    wow. Completely new to brewing/distilling and after several batches I feel ready to rate some of the products. This is a never fail product for sugar washes! Good neutral comes through in large quantities and never failed to push 18-20 percent after fermentation! I like the whiskey yeast with AG for grain mashes for flavor though.
  • Haze
    Jun 20, 2012, 12:00 AM
    A True Workhorse!. This is the Best all round work horse yeast! I use for High sugar, Fruit, and grain washes and it never ever fails ... Winter,Summer, Spring your Airlocker will be perking!and will not stall!
  • james
    Apr 29, 2012, 12:00 AM
    turbo gold. have used this product 3 years now no miss fermentations if you have make sure there are no cleaning residues in your fermentation vessels excelent product waiting for the 50% wash yeast thumbs up guys