Prestige UP Ambrosia Whisky Essence
Ambrosia Whisky Essence- Nectar of the Gods is a single malt whisky.
20ml Bottle
Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle into a 750ml (US 25 fl. oz.) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with vodka. Shake bottle to mix, then fill up bottle with vodka & shake until contents are fully blended.
Customer reviews
Bill JonesJan 27, 2018, 12:00 AMAmbrosia Scotch. I have been buying this product for over 10 years and I would say that if there is a better scotch out there, I have not found it. You can be proud to serve it to your friends.
Slim BruceOct 7, 2012, 12:00 AMUP Ambrosia Whisky Essence . Much better than expected. After a mixing the essence with vodka in the prescribed fashion, and after about a day, it was very enjoyable. I finished off the bottle in unseemly haste. A REAL single malt scotch of good quality would be much better. But this was much cheaper. (Maybe, as at the Wedding of Cana, the best quality would be served second?)
JamesApr 15, 2012, 12:00 AMReal Smooth Scotch. The best Scotch essence I have found, somewhere in between Johnnie Black and Red. Smooth and very drinkable. Wish it came in bulk!
Dogwood PointMar 10, 2011, 12:00 AMExcellent. This is a great essence, not sure I will ever purchase those expensive bottles of Scotch again...this is that good.
BenjaminDec 6, 2009, 12:00 AMa big hit. Mixed according to the directions it is a big hit with scotch drinkers. They all go back for seconds.