Prestige Orange Brandy Essence

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  • Market price: $3.49, you save $0.50
  • $2.99
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Orange Brandy is a dry liqueur that is often drunk straight. In bars it is often mixed with 3/4 sparkling wine or cider (Orange Dream).


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Instructions: Pour the contents of this bottle and 120g granulated sugar into a 750ml (US 25 fl. oz.) bottle. Fill 3/4 full with vodka and shake until the sugar has dissolved. Top up the bottle and shake until the contents have fully blended. Note: It is easiest to dissolve the sugar in your alcohol by placing both in a blender on high for 2-3 minutes.

    • Weight
      0.22 lbs
    • SKU
  • Brand
  • Essence Type
    Liqueur & Spirit
  • Bulk
  • Size
  • Yield
    750mL (25 fl oz)
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