Blog Category
General Information

The Hobby Distiller's Association won its lawsuit against the Federal Government and TTB!

What is an Alembic Distiller, and how do I use one?

What are Stock Pot Stills. and how do you assemble one? Check it out here.

What is an iodine test, and do I need to do one?

With so many distilling options how do you choose the best one? It depends on several factors.

While any liquid can be used in a thumper, what is the best liquid to use?

Compare run times between different stills

Pot distilling is an art. Learn how to make cuts and improve your product.

Brewhaus takes great pride in our distillers. Read on to see how they are made.

Troubleshooting- My EasyStill lid keeps lifting during distillation

Technical Assistance- How to troubleshoot rising temperatures on your reflux still

More information on reflux distiller designs, benefits, and drawbacks

Understand the differences between different reflux column designs

Distilling moonshine is actually must safer than you may realize. Read on for more information.

What grain is best? It depends on several factors.

Interested in distilling your own essential oils? It is easier than you think!

What is the best way to clean your moonshine still? Read on to find out.

With so many options, how do you choose the right moonshine still?

Progress being made on federal legalization of hobby distilling

An interview with Peter Wheeler from Spirits Unlimited

Copper vs Stainless Steel. Which is right for me?

Instruction- Speeding up the aging process

Recipes- Learn to make Apple Pie Moonshine

What are the types of column packing, and what are the differences between them?

Instruction- how to connect your flute column hoses

What is all the hype about Parrots, and do I need one?

Should you add a coupling to you kettle?

The truth about urea and fermentation

The differences between distilling and brewing

Rep. Burgess' Aides visited us today.

Information from the Hobby Distiller's Association trip to Washington

The Hobby Distiller's Association is headed to Washington

The Hobby Distiller's Association has formed.

Our new website is now live!

A push to legalize hobby distilling

We're Moving to a New Location!

Our long awaited shipment from Sweden has arrived!